Ransomware Attack Security 

With the ability to bring an organization to its knees, ransomware attacks are a firm’s worst nightmare. At IT WealthSolutions, guarding our clients from these attacks is of paramount importance. Our compressive Anti-Ransomware Security package shield your systems from infiltration and ensure your operations are running smoothly and securely.

A Major Threat to Businesses

Ransomware is one of the main threats companies face in our increasingly virtual world. Ransomware is BLACKMAIL! Nefarious actors infiltrate your systems and deploy blackmail viruses. The viruses are not designed to compromise your data. Rather they are designed to lock you out of your own system. The hackers then demand you pay them a ransom fee in order to be let back into your systems and access your data.

Few things are worse than your organization being brought to its knees by a ransomware attack. There are several important factors when considering Ransomware. First, is immediately stopping the virus infection in your systems. Second, restoring your data. Lastly, creating a new security plan to ensure you are no longer vulnerable to future attacks.

Proofpoint Email Encryption

Proofpoint is a leading secure email solution and a pioneer in the industry. After comprehensive testing of the various encryption services, Proofpoint has emerged as our favorite. It easily integrates with all versions of Outlook for Windows and works with an easy-to-use one click button when sending secure emails.

When sending an email you have the option to send like normal i.e. unencrypted, or click the ‘Send and Secure’ button. By choosing ‘Send and Secure’, the email is sent to a secure Proofpoint private email server. The recipient will receive an email to let them know there is a secure email waiting for them in the Proofpoint secure email portal. They must log into that portal (a very simple process with included instructions) to read the email. The email does not land in their mailbox. Once they have logged into the portal they then have the option to download the email or send it to their regular mailbox, should they so choose.

Echoworx Secure Email Solution

We offer Echoworx for clients who want specific mailboxes within their organization to have email encryption. We have worked with Echoworx for many years and are very happy with their service. Echoworx requires back end configuration to integrate with Microsoft, which we are experts at setting up. Once configured, your Outlook will have an ‘Encrypt’ button available when sending emails. This button gives you two options”

  1. Secure and Send:
    This option sends an email securely to the Echoworx mail server. The recipient will receive an email notifying they have mail waiting. Just like with Proofpoint, they will then log into the remote mail server and view the email. Form there they can download the email should they so choose.

  2. Password Protected Email:
    This option allows you to password protect a specific email. The entire email will be received by the recipient but the email cannot be opened without the specific password you have designated for that communication.

Is Encryption For Me?

Encryption Email is an excellent choice when working with sensitive data and for regulatory compliance measures. Regulatory requirements require many firms to use encryption when handling sensitive client information. It is startlingly common for email to be intercepted, and email encryption is a critical tool to prevent that. Our secure email platforms allow you to communicate with confidence, knowing that your emails are for your eyes only.

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