Email Compliance & Retention

Email retention can seem a byzantine operation. Our Email Retention Solution Service simplifies regulatory requirements for you and ensures that your firm is operating within the bounds of industry regulations. Decades of working with RIA firms have kept us on the cutting edge of industry requirements.

Global Relay Archiving & Governance For Email & E-Comms

Global Relay & ProofPoint are trusted partners of San Diego Computer Consulting.   We sell and implement both Global Relay & ProofPoint services for email archival compliance.   Both solutions are used for Archiving and meet different compliance standards.   The industry compliance for archiving email and other client communications is becoming more stringent.    Global Relay offers the most tools to capture, archive and Search that communication data between companies and their clients. Provides The Following Services: -Data Retention & Disposition -Monitoring & Management -eDiscovery & Legal Hold -Data Security & Integrity

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E-Discovery & Legal Hold

The archive continuously captures and processes communication data.

Discovery of communication is key for audits, investigations and legal proceedings.   The need for retrieving untouched & unfiltered communication is key to these evidentiary records.   These communications must be recorded to protect businesses and prove their case.   Archiving by Global Relay and sold by San Diego Computer Consulting can provided this automated worry free system protection for any company.

Legal Hold Service

This service ensures that data is preserved and held for a specific amount of time so that a firm can keep their e-communication within a specified amount of time. Once a legal hold it enables the enforcement of preservation of that communication

E-Communication Monitoring & Management

Global Relay solutions include a real-time, company-wide solution for supervising e-communications within office solutions.  All internal, incoming, and outgoing messages are reviewed against a policy catalog of keywords and phrases.

Global Relay AI Solutions Look for:
-Privacy and Confidentiality Corporate Rules
-Detection of HR Policy Violations
-Corporate & Customer Data Leaks
-Intellectual Property Theft

Employee Inappropriate Communication Monitoring

Companies & Firms can control their data and detect early risks to costly communication averting legal and PR issues that can hurt your reputation.

Global Relay offers additional services which help protect business to ensure that inappropriate communication is thwarted before it becomes a lingering problem.  The AI provided by Global Relay help HR and Legal personnel to analyze communication for top participants, topic trends & Anomalies.

Global Relay for Zoom & Slack

Slack & Zoom has also included instant messaging between staff.   With the Global Relay plugin, data can also be fully captured.   Communications between staff and persons on any meeting can be captured through group and personal chatting.    Messaging can be held for automatic legal hold.

Also Includes:
-Message Deleting Retrieval
-Configurable Message Policies
-Manual or rolling deletion of data

Capturing Teams Chat Communications

Microsoft Teams is one of today’s communication tools for staff at any firm.   Microsoft Teams communications is often complimentary tools along with Email and texting for staff to communicate either with each other or with outside clients.   Global Relay provides a plug-in tool to Teams so that communication can be captured.

Archiving of who said what, when and to whom:

  • Instant Messaging
  • Group Team Chats

Need Additional Email Security Solutions?

San Diego Computer Consulting provides consulting on additional email security solution systems.   We use ProofPoint, Sophos, & Ironscales for the protection and pro-active security for all our clients email systems.  There are many nefarious companies who make a living stealing data and creating fraudulent schemes.   These cloud services are specialized in protecting your corporate email and keeping you ahead of the curve from theft.

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